Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Grammer" Nazi

Yes, let it be known... not only am I "Most likely to play Hitler in a Broadway Musical," but I am also now a "Grammer" Nazi. 

If you know me, you know I spend too much time on the book of faces. I don't even play games, or try to fulfill some meaning by tending to a Farmville farm. However, I do engage in some interesting conversations, so here is one for you. 

** NOTE: Names were blacked out to protect those in the opposing party. The picture was also replaced with "My Little Pony" for the heck of it. Enjoy! 

Oh that pony is OH so sassy!!!
Needless to say, I need more friends so I'll stop spending free time like this. 

~xoxoxox Britt<3

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