Thursday, June 2, 2011

Family Tree

Today it's all the trend... finding out who our ancestors are. Were our ancestors Englishmen? Are we able to truly say that our family is "Native American" like every other person will try to claim? Or maybe we can have final proof that our ancestors were "the oppressed," giving us an excuse to get away with doing less work and guilt tripping those with less oppressed ancestors. 
However you look at it, sites like "" are bringing in the bucks to fill your looming desire to discover your roots. Now, this is a convenience for many. The downside, though, is that some may find out they have ancestors they'd rather not claim at all. 
Here we see it in action....

Chucky, a hardcore killer wondered about his bloodline.
Burning with questions he entered ""... 

Too bad it wasn't Ted Bundy or something. Who would have thought that Master Geppetto set his whole family into motion. (Ancestry dot com did!)
 Anyway, I just HAD to make this post because of my dad. I can't remember the conversation, but I think it might have been about horror films. Dad mocked Chucky, saying he was "the freaking great grandson of Pinocchio or something." So yeah, credit goes to him. If you found it even a tad hilarious as I did, I have succeeded. 

I shall try to post more soon, but I am getting in one a week, at least. 

~xoxoxoxo Britt<3