Monday, July 18, 2011


I have been super busy, but I thought that I'd have to stop by here and drop a few comments about the NEW and FINAL Harry Potter film. 
First of all, the premier was AWESOME. Nerds convening in costumes to celebrate their nerd love is always fun. I went in costume, naturally... and had a lot of fun getting to see others' costumes as well. This is my favorite: 
Voldy visits a kiosk!

I posted this pic to my FB, but I know not everyone who reads this has one, so I wanted to share in the laughter. Voldemort may be evil, but he has to pick up his tickets like the rest of us. =]

The second best part of the experience was getting to try legit butterbeer.
This drink is too legit to quit
To be honest, it really tasted a lot like chai with apples. I'm sure it varied from place to place, but pretty good stuff. 

Also, as far as the movie went. It was awesome, but had it's VERY great moments like:

This is where, in my mind I reenact the Potter Puppet Pals Scene....
Voldy: Give me a hug Draco
Draco: I don't want a hug
Draco: I'll wound you!!! 

But yes, awkward hugs are awkward. This made me laugh so much in the movie. I'm also very glad I found access to this pic. I found it Here>

I was pretty tickled to find it and am glad I can watch the awkward over and over and over. 
Hopefully more humor will come soon! 

~xoxoxo Britt<3

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